The Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™

The Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ is a bar chart that shows the alignment zones to and through which your wrists will rotate incrementally and sequentially to lock-in a straight or a specifically shaped golf shot alignment in response to four different “releases and redocks” of your fingers and thumbs after gripping your club with an interlocking, overlapping or baseball type of grip.

The best examples of such body part movements are when right-handed golfers:

  • Release their right thumb fully from their club handle and then redock it back onto their club handle – immediately after gripping their club.
  • Release their right-hand lifeline fully from their left thumb and then redock it back onto their left thumb – immediately after gripping their club.
  • Release their unrestricted fingers of their left hand fully from their club handle and then redock them back onto their club handle – immediately after gripping their club.
  • Release the unrestricted fingers of their right hand fully from their club handle and then redock them back onto their club handle – immediately after gripping their club. (The same occurs for left-handed golfers when the term “right” is changed to “left” and “left” is changed to “right.”)

I refer to such “releases and redocks” as the four GOLF CODE™ “Locking Mechanisms.” Sometimes, I refer to them simply as the four “Locking Levers.”

Probably more than 95 percent of professional and low handicap golfers instinctively use one or more of these “locking levers” to hit straight golf shots.
However, if they “release and redock” a “locking lever” too few or too many times, or not enough, they easily can rotate their wrists and club face in to a shaped golf shot alignment at the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth or twelfth alignment zone of the “CODE.” (See the Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ below.)

For example, if you are using a “locking lever” in an attempt to lock-in a straight golf shot and “release and redock” it twice instead of once, you will rotate your wrists and the face of your club in to the second alignment zone of the “CODE” and lock-in a draw alignment instead of a straight golf shot alignment. (See the Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ above.)
If you “release and redock” a “locking lever” four times instead of once in such instance, you will “lock-in” a push alignment at the fourth alignment zone of the “CODE” instead of a straight golf shot alignment.
Six such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a hook alignment at the sixth alignment zone of the “CODE”; eight such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a fade alignment at the eighth alignment zone of the “CODE”; ten such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a slice alignment at the tenth alignment zone of the “CODE”; and twelve such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a pull alignment at the twelfth alignment zone of the “CODE.” (See the Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ above.)
Each “release and redock” after the twelfth one will rotate and lock-in your wrists and the face of your club to a square alignment and an “on line” swing path of your club – irrespective of the number of such “releases and redocks” thereafter. In such instance, you will have rotated your wrists and the face of your club “Beyond the Code.” (See below.)

For example, if you are using a “locking lever” in an attempt to lock-in a straight golf shot and “release and redock” it twice instead of once, you will rotate your wrists and the face of your club in to the second alignment zone of the “CODE” and lock-in a draw alignment instead of a straight golf shot alignment. (See the Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ above.)
If you “release and redock” a “locking lever” four times instead of once in such instance, you will “lock-in” a push alignment at the fourth alignment zone of the “CODE” instead of a straight golf shot alignment.
Six such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a hook alignment at the sixth alignment zone of the “CODE”; eight such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a fade alignment at the eighth alignment zone of the “CODE”; ten such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a slice alignment at the tenth alignment zone of the “CODE”; and twelve such “releases and redocks” will lock-in a pull alignment at the twelfth alignment zone of the “CODE.” (See the Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ above.)
Each “release and redock” after the twelfth one will rotate and lock-in your wrists and the face of your club to a square alignment and an “on line” swing path of your club – irrespective of the number of such “releases and redocks” thereafter. In such instance, you will have rotated your wrists and the face of your club “Beyond the Code.” (See below.)

Triple Play Introductory Package

The “Triple Play” Introductory Package consists of:

  • THE GOLF CODE book along with its companion video set, the Golf Code Techniques 7-Video Set;
  •  the ABOVE THE CODE book along with its companion video set, the Above The Code 5-Video Set  
  • and the TOO SIMPLE TO BE GOLF book along with its companion video set, the Audacious Techniques 7-Video Set

 THE GOLF CODE book and the Golf Code Techniques 7-Video Set will provide you with all you will ever need to know about the “Code” because “if you don’t know the Code, you don’t know golf.”

They also will teach you how to perform the Re-Sync Maneuver and all the set-up proceedings necessary to hit laser-straight golf shots – as long as you then execute a “steady-head/eyes focused golf swing. 

The ABOVE THE CODE book and the Above The Code 5-Video Set will provide you with five techniques to lock-in a straight golf shot alignment with just one magical move immediately after gripping your club. They will provide the detail instructions to perform different tests to determine whether you have rotated your wrists and club face out of their “free-fall” state as well as the Arrow Alignment Technique by which to align your shoulder line parallel with your target line.

They also provide you with all the set-up proceedings necessary to hit laser-straight golf shots – as long as you then execute a “steady-head/eyes focused golf swing. (The Re-Sync Maneuver is not required when using the ABOVE THE CODE techniques.)

The TOO SIMPLE TO BE GOLF and the Audacious Techniques 7-Video Set provide you with:

  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit an intentional draw golf shot;
  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit an intentional fade golf shot;
  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit an intentional push golf shot;
  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit an intentional hook golf shot;
  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit an intentional slice  golf shot;
  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit an intentional pull   golf shot and
  • just one magical move to lock-in and hit a straight golf shot.

They teach you how to lock-in and hit any golf shot you will ever need in a typical round of golf. 

They also provide you with all the set-up proceedings necessary to hit shaped and straight golf shots – as long as you then execute a “steady-head/eyes focused” golf swing. (The Re-Sync Maneuver is not required when using the TOO SIMPLE TO BE GOLF techniques.)

The “Triple Play” Introductory Package is now available on a limited-time basis at $97.00 – which is 30% off the regular price if all items are bought separately.

Only $97

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262 German Oak Dr. Cordova, TN 38018

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