Seven Video Set

The Outrageous Straight Video
The Outrageous Draw Video
The Outrageous Fade Video
The Outrageous Hook Video
The Outrageous Pull Video
The Outrageous Push Video
The Outrageous Slice Video

Outrageous Video Set



The Outrageous Video set consists of seven individual downloads; namely, the Outrageous Straight video, Outrageous Draw video, Outrageous Fade video, Outrageous Push video, Outrageous Hook video, Outrageous Slice video and the Outrageous Pull video – the only types of golf shots you will ever need in a typical round of golf. Each has been tested more than 100 times and validated on the Trackman Launch Monitor and the Top Tracer Launch Monitor.

The Outrageous Video techniques teach you how move the head of your golf club from the back of your ball to the outside of your right hip – while in an address position to your ball – in a precise manner to an exact extent (between the time of gripping your left hand and your right hand on your club) to lock-in a straight golf shot alignment, in relation to your body.

The Outrageous Video techniques also instruct you how to then move other body parts in a precise manner to an exact extent to lock-in a respective fade, draw, push,
hook, slice and pull golf shot alignment – in relation to your body. If you apply each instructional step faithfully, you will be so locked-in to your body, ball and target at final address that you must then keep your head absolutely steady with
your eyes focused squarely on the top of your ball from “takeaway” to impact during your swing to hit the shot locked-in.

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Locked-In Golf, Inc

262 German Oak Dr. Cordova, TN 38018

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