Introducing The Re-Sync Maneuver
The "Re-sync Maneuver" is a simple and easy Golf Code technique to perform at final address to your ball for an "effective" even ball lie.
Introducing The Re-Sync Maneuver
The "Re-sync Maneuver" is a simple and easy Golf Code technique to perform at final address to your ball for an "effective" even ball lie.

The Re-Sync Maneuver™

Average recreational golfers who use any of the four “locking levers” listed below to lock-in a straight or specifically shaped golf shot alignment could easily reduce their score by five strokes per round by simply performing the Re-Sync Maneuver prior to swinging their club.

The four “locking levers” occur when right-handed golfers:

  • Release their right thumb fully from their club handle and then redock it back onto their club handle – immediately after gripping their club.

  • Release their right-hand lifeline fully from their left thumb and then redock it back onto their left thumb – immediately after gripping their club.

  • Release their unrestricted fingers of their left hand fully from their club handle and then redock them back onto their club handle – immediately after gripping their club.

  • Release the unrestricted fingers of their right hand fully from their club handle and then redock them back onto their club handle – immediately after gripping their club. (The same occurs for left-handed golfers when the term “right” is changed to “left” and “left” is changed to “right.”)

I refer to such “releases and redocks” as the four GOLF CODE™ “Locking Mechanisms.” Sometimes, I refer to them simply as the four “Locking Levers.”

Probably more than 95 percent of professional and low handicap golfers use one or more of these “locking levers” to hit straight golf shots.

However, if they “release and redock” a “locking lever” too few or too many times, or not enough, they easily can rotate their wrists and club face in to a shaped golf shot alignment at the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth or twelfth alignment zone of the “CODE.” (See the Gordon Jackson Golf Code Chart™ below.)

They also will not be successful in using the “locking levers” unless they perform the Re-Sync Maneuver after locking-in a straight or specifically straight shot alignment in relation to their shoulder and elbow lines

Here’s why.

When a golf club is locked-in to straight specifically golf shot alignment by “releasing and redocking” a “locking lever” one or more times in relation to the shoulder and elbow lines, it will not be locked-in to such alignment in relation to the hip line.

In order to hit straight golf shot, your wrists and club face must be rotated and locked-in to a straight golf shot alignment in relation to a parallel alignment of your shoulder, elbow and hip lines with your shoulders aligned parallel with your target line and with the sweet spot of your club face centered directly behind your ball on your target line, followed by a “steady-head/eyes focused” golf swing.

However, when a golf club is locked-in to straight specifically golf shot alignment by “releasing and redocking” a “locking lever” one or more times, it will only be locked-in to a straight golf shot alignment in relation to the shoulder and elbow lines, rather than in relation to the shoulder, elbow and hip lines.
If hitting off an even surface and “releasing and redocking” one or more “locking levers” to rotate and lock-in a straight golf shot alignment, the hip line will naturally align itself parallel with the shoulder and hip lines.

However, if not on an even surface when using such technique and confronted with an uphill lie when in an address position to your ball your hip line will be rotated to an out-to-in swing path in relation to your shoulder line and create either draw, push or hook golf shot alignment, depending on the degree of any such uneven ball lie. As a consequence, your ball would curve to the left or to the right of your target after impact.

On the other hand, if you are confronted with a downhill lie when using such technique and confronted with an uphill lie when in an address position to your ball your hip line will be rotated to an in-to-out swing path and create either fade, slice or push golf shot alignment, depending on the degree of any such uneven ball lie.

Likewise, as a consequence, your ball would curve to the left or to the right of your target in such instance.

So, what do golfers typically do to adjust for uneven ball lies when attempting to hit their ball to their target?

When faced with an uphill lie, they typically close their stance in relation to their target line and swing their club along their target line during their back swing – meaning effectively to the outside of their body line – in an attempt to curve their ball to their target.

However, if they close their stance too much and/or swing too much to the outside of their body line, their club may “cross-over” to a different alignment zone during their swing and fly the ball in the opposite direction from the one intended.

On the other hand, when faced with a downhill lie, they typically open their stance in relation to their target line and swing their club along their target line during their back swing – meaning effectively to the inside of their body line – in an attempt to curve their ball to their target.

However, if they open their stance too much and/or swing too much to the inside of their body line, their club may “cross-over” to a different alignment zone during their swing and fly the ball in the opposite direction from the one intended.

The Re-sync Maneuver cures this “cross-over” phenomenon.
The Re-Sync Maneuver realigns your hip line parallel with your elbow and shoulder line – assuming your elbow and shoulder lines are aligned parallel with each other at such time – when “releasing and redocking” a “locking levers” one or more times to lock-in a straight golf shot alignment.

Incredibly, the Re-Sync Maneuver converts an uneven ball lie to an “effective” even ball lie.

As a result of performing the Re-Sync Maneuver, there is no need to adjust your stance line in relation to your target line or swing your club to the inside or to the outside of your body line when confronted with an uneven ball lie in order to fly your ball to your target.

As I will explain later, when a LOCKED-IN GOLF® technique is used to lock-in a straight as well as specifically shaped golf shot alignments, the shoulder, elbow and hip lines will be aligned parallel with each other at the completion of the technique.
Therefore, when using the LOCKED-IN GOLF® techniques, as distinguished from the GOLF CODE™ techniques, there is no need to perform the Re-Sync Maneuver to adjust for uneven ball lies.

How many tournaments could professionals have won if only they had known about the GOLF CODE™ and the Re-Sync Maneuver previously?

On a personal note, how many bets and rounds of golf could you have won had you known about the GOLF CODE™ and Re-Sync Maneuver previously?

I explain precisely how to perform the Re-Sync Maneuver in the GOLF CODE™ book and the GOLF CODE™ video set, both of which are available on this website.

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262 German Oak Dr. Cordova, TN 38018


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